Training Schedule

Training takes place every Thursday from 19:15 to 20:45 in Building 216.

How to Join

Show up for a free training, but first write an e-mail ( to the club representative. You will then receive further information. If you decide to join, fill the membership form and send it to the same e-mail address.


The fee for the club is 60 CHF every 3 months, to be paid to the following bank account:

Account Holder: Club CERN d’Arts Martiaux
Adress: Esplanade des particules 1
1211 Geneve 23, Switzerland
Bank Name: Post Finance
IBAN: CH18 0900 0000 1220 6326 4

Please add the message "BJJ at Cern" to our payment. You may use also the QR code.

Training Info

We alternate between gi and no-gi (grappling) training sessions. One week is with gi, and the following week is no-gi. The training is divided into three parts. First, we start by warming up for about 15 minutes with basic BJJ mobility movements. Then we study some specific techniques for approximately 45 minutes. In this second part, we usually follow the same topic for a few weeks. Finally, we dedicate about 30 minutes to sparring.


We usually fight in rounds of 5 minutes, switching partner every round. The goal is not to win, but to learn and to have fun. It is very important to us that everyone feels safe and that nobody gets hurt. If you are a beginner, pleople will be particularly careful.


Once your registration is confirmed, you will get access to our educational BJJ video database (use your Cern credentials to login).

Affiliated Gyms

In the club we have people from the following gyms (Icon and LMNT are in Switzerland, Umann is in France).

Gym Icon 1 Gym Icon 2 Gym Icon 3